Aug 16, 2015

Generosity is the measure of love..

Award winning designer Winnie Ojanga and founder of Ukarimu Project visiting orphans in wasini highland in mombasa county kenya (4th August 2015)

Ukarimu Project giving hope to children..

Winnie Ojanga putting smiles on the faces of needy children in Wasini highland Mombasa (Kenya). 4th August 2015

Happy children could not help showing their joy after recieving books, pens etc from Ukarimu Project

Winnie Ojanga Putting smils on the faces of needy children in Wasini highland Mombasa (Kenya)

(The man in the video is saying): Thank you very much for comming all the way to wasini higland to give our children these wonderful presents. May God continue to bless you abundantly.